TMJ Disorder

This is the disorder of the jaw joint and chewing muscles attached to it leading to improper functioning of the joint and pain in the related areas.

Common Symptoms of TMD-

*Pain or tenderness in face, jaw, neck and shoulders and in or around the ear on chewing, speaking or opening the mouth wide
*Recurrent headaches and migraine
*The jaw getting stuck or locked in open or closed mouth positions
*Clicking or popping sound in the joint which may or may not be painful
*Swelling on side of the face
*Toothache and uncomfortable occlusion or bite i.e. a change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together

Common Symptoms of TMD
Common Symptoms of TMD
Common Symptoms of TMD

Dental Causes-

*Occlusal imbalances due to worn out teeth, missing teeth, improper dental appliance
*Improper load on muscles attached to the jaws- due to any of the above mentioned conditions, the muscles have to work a lot harder, eventually resulting in pain and tenderness.
*Bruxism or grinding of teeth and clenching

What is Tek Scan :

T-Scan is a digital occlusal analysis system consisting of a patented sensor, USB-based handle, and proprietary software that reveals the level and timing of force on individual teeth and the stability of the patient’s bite.

When used in conjunction with articulating paper, T-Scan’s precise, actionable data gives the dentist, the ability to diagnose and treat occlusion accurately.

The 2D and 3D representations of their bite can be viewed by the patient with T-Scan software, which helps them to visualize the occlusion and feel more confident in the  treatment that follows. This state-of- the-art, digital software helps clinicians to identify premature contacts, high forces, and interrelationship of occlusal surfaces.

How T Scan Works-

  1. A dentist will analyse the overall oral hygiene, condition of the teeth and related areas
  2. A proper history and chief complaint is taken
  3. Analysis of occlusion is done by T-Scan. This may be done in stages, with occlusal being done after each stage.
  4. Further treatment planning is done after visualizing the problem by T Scan
Tek Scan

Treatment Modalities – The next step would be to treat the underlying Cause of discomfort. This may be achieved by any one or more than one options given below-

  • Counselling and guiding the patient to achieve correct bite
  • Simple grinding and adjustments are done to balance the occlusion
  • Oral Rehabilitation
  • Orthodontic Appliances like Splints and Nightguards
  • Prescribing Exercises
  • Surgical Procedures (in advanced cases of degradation)

Dr.Deepak, an International Fellow of DTR and Digital Occlusion, has been dedicating himself in diagnosing and treating patients with a migraine, head and neck pain, TMJ discomfort etc. At TnSS, we boast of being the only one in Rajasthan to be using this sophisticated technology of Tek Scan.